četvrtak, rujna 15, 2011

EXTRA! Urota: Odbijen zahtjev za izradom 'Crveni fićo' Android applikacije!

Tresla se brda, rodio se miš. Opskurna internet firma Android3Apps, koja se bavi izradom besplatnih aplikacija odbila je aplikaciju grada za izradu fićine aplikacije. Zasada, nažalost, ništa od druženje fiće i robotića. Gradskim pravnim službama naloženo je da istraže i razmotre sve moguće pravne putove i lijekove, uključujući tužbu Međunarodnom sudu pravde.
Sramotni tekst dehumanizirane generičke odbijenice namjerno stavljen manjim slovima pročitajte u nastavku. 

Android je tužan

Crveni fićo preporučuje Submission Rejected (App Review 1637214332)Thank you for your Crveni fićo preporučuje app submission. We've reviewed your android application submission and have found it contains some quality assurance issues that need to be improved before your app will be ready for app store submission and download because of this and the number of submissions we receive daily we cannot create your application.
Please follow these tips when creating the best app possible:

Spellcheck your submission
Always remember to check the spelling. Bad spelling or all caps equals a bad app.
Make sure your links work
If you submitted links to images, blog, facebook or twitter pages make sure they actually work. If our reviewers cannot access the images then we cannot submit your application.
Create a useful app
Avoid making apps for your own personal use. Instead, consider creating an application that others who have android phones would consider useful. For example, maybe a trivia game about the World Cup rather than a trivia game about your tastes in music.
Don't use copyrighted content
If you don't own or have explicit permission to use the content you would like to use in your app, avoid using it. For example, pictures taken from the web need explicit permission from their author.
More content means a better app
Don't stop at 10 or 15 questions if you're making a trivia game. Add as many questions as you can think up. The more content you can put in your app the better it will be. Can you reach a goal of 50 questions? Once again, remember the previous tip and do not use content you don't own or have explicit permission to use.
Be original
If everyone else is doing one thing, try mixing it up and doing something else. For example, if you see there are plenty of famous person quote apps but not enough birthday quote apps, fill a need and be different. If there's an open niche, take it.

Review Team at Android3Apps.com
App Review #1637214332

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